Herein is a system of organization methods for the spaces I have selected to be a part of my design. They are arranged according to size and importance.
i. the Adjacency Matrix
~ An adjacency matrix is an in-depth look into how each space relates to the other within the building. The purpose of the matrix is to organize and link different activity areas together.
ii. The Bubble Diagram
~ A bubble draws information from the adjacency matrix. Moreover, a bubble diagram represents information visually in the form of a series of bubbles. The bubbles can be used to represent different kinds of spaces in a plan, varying in shape to represent features of greater or lesser importance and size. The bubble diagram can create a rough sense of flow, which is used to develop a more refined plan.

# a7
Darien, I love the look of your blog. Your graphic representation is very clear.
Next step is to figure out the square footages.
How many galleries? How many classrooms? And you need mechanical room.
Keep going!!!!
Thank you professor.. I'm glad you like my blog.. I've really tried to customize it and make it unique. :)
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